Have just spent a wonderful week and a bit at Catmaran Bay down in the most southern part of Australia accessible by road, and bordering the SouthWest National Park, a Wilderness World Heritage Area. Even though the trip involves some 30 km on dirt roads, providing the weather is suitable, the roads are navigable by any vehicle - I had no trouble in my 8 metre motorhome.
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This was our campsite overlooking Catamaran Bay - a very popular fishing spot.
On the journey back into civilisation I was aided and abetted by two very able co-drivers.

A detour worth taking on the way is via the Esperance Coast Road which runs between Surge's Bay and Dover (both places on the Huon Highway).
The scenery is stunning - hills and coastal views all the way and the road is good, but a little winding - the perfect excuse to slow down and relax and enjoy the scenery
Salmon Ponds on the Esperance Coast Road at Surveyo'rs Bay