After a very smooth ferry crossing for Skye and myself we spent a week staying with James and Maureen, parked in front of their house and catching up with some shopping and various bits and pieces including installing a new roller blind in the bedroom. The original blind had been broken when I purchased the MH but had been put in the too hard basket. With Jame's encouragement and tutelage I successfully removed the valance, resized the blind (cutting the metal roller with a hacksaw) then put everything back together again. Just call me super handywoman!

photo of Port Philip Bay was taken from just in front of my site under a shady tree.
Just opposite the campground is the Tasting Station a really great cafe with an innovative menu and excellent single origin Cuban Coffee. I was quite a regular visitor there and Skye enjoyed many a small snack there as well.
As you can see from this photograph there's plenty of action going on quite close to shore here. Some friends travelled on the Spirit of Tasmania after me and I was nearly able to wave to them from my camping spot.
One of our most memorable family stories is of how, when we arrived in Melbourne in 1955, Mum and Dad thought that Rosebud must be Melbourne as we seemed to be heading to shore there. They were wondering what sort of hick town they'd come to and were quite relived when the ship eventually docked at Port Melbourne.